Monday, April 6, 2009

Does Adoption set us up to be discriminated against?

I do think that adoption does exactly this. It sets us to be treated differently. It does not matter if you are an adoptee, "birthmother", or an adoptive parent. It treats us differently. I point to adoptee access laws around the country as a perfect example.

These laws treat adult adoptees differently. Adult adoptees are treated as incapable of handling their own affairs with their family. I read somewhere that the California bill that lists that adult adoptees age 25 and older can have access to their original birth certificates. This age was decided because that is when an adult adoptee is capable of dealing with the facts of their adoption. Okay an 18 year old adoptee can fight in a war. An adult adoptee can vote at that age. An adult adoptee at age 18 can even be a parent. An adult adoptee is capable and legally responsible to sign a contract. How can they not be emotionally capable of handling the circumstances of their birth? I know. It does not make sense to me either. I have not be able to figure out that bit since adoptees deal with their adoption since their adoption legally occurred.

“Birthmothers” are legally able to relinquish their rights even as a minor. They do not need parental consent in order to do so. This is done so that the mother can relinquish their child without their parents’ knowledge and influence which is very unlike abortion. They want to make it as easy as possible for any female to relinquish. They want to do it without any kind of influences on the mother. They want to be the sole people that influences her to relinquish. Many times, the counseling that an expectant mother receives is the reading of a book. There are no extensive counseling services offered to her before or after. In this respect, adoptive parents are getting angry at the lack of counseling for the mothers. I have read this. I have even seen the complaints about this issue. The agencies then claim to protect the mothers after they relinquish. They just want to keep their dirty deeds secret. They want to keep the coercive tactics quiet.

Adoptive parents are also treated differently. They are treated incapable of handling the various aspects of adoption on their own. They are not allowed to collectively think outside the box. Truthfully, most adoptive parents do not want to kidnap someone else’s child. They do not want to be involved in illegal activities. This is why many adoptive parents are bucking the system. They are beginning to ask questions. They are being punished for their actions in their adoptions. If they ask too many questions, then they are told that they need additional counseling. This process is called “creaming.”

Who really controls the adoption industry? It seems that the states and the adoption agencies are in it together. I believe the states should act as a governmental regulatory agency where as the adoption agency should provide the service under the regulations of the government. The state governments no longer regulate adoption. It is time that it is brought under control without the influence of the adoption industry.

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