Wednesday, December 31, 2008


There is an article in this newspaper, but you have to be a subscriber. An adoptee is wanting her information. She has a name but doesn't know where to start. I sent this letter to the author of the column.

Dear Ms. Shelter,

My name is Amy K. Burt. I am the founder of Indiana Open. We are a grassroots group dedicated to getting adoptees and first parents access to the original birth certificate. We are currently working with Senator Patricia Miller in hopefully presenting a bill for this legislative year.

Our organization has several search angels that would be willing to help her find her mother for her. We normally do not make contact with the first parents or the adoptee, whom ever is being searched. We find the information for them and hand it over to them. It is a way of empowering the adoptee or the first parent.

So many of us have had that choice taken from them by the laws of Indiana and by the adoption agency themselves.

If you would like more information on our group or just like to visit, we can be found at the following locations.

We are also on twitter, technorati, digg, and delicious. We will be adding a tag page and a facebook as well. We currently have over forty members. We also have a petition as well.

Amy K. Burt, founder/owner of Indiana Open
Pam Kroskie, co founder/search angel
Melissa Shelton, MSW co founder/ American Adoption Congress represenative

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